Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Mon-sieur BOME Oni-Musume Blue Repaint

As I've collected more figures, I decided I just have too many. They really do take up a lot of space. Some of my figures just have to go. Before they do, I decided to do a photo shoot!
I have 5 Bome figures that I've had for years. I'll start with the oldest, and also one of my very first anime figures!
This is Mon-sieur BOME Oni-Musume (blue repaint)!

This figure is years old now. I couldn't find an exact release date for this one on the net, but I'm sure it could almost be 10 years. I may have had it for a bit less time than that however.

There were a few things that really drew me to this figure. The first was the lovely colour!
I adore her blue hair, and there are other shades of blue over the figure that really add depth. There's a mix of flat colour and metallic/shiny paint.

 When I bought her, I was very much into anime, so of course I fell in love with her anime face. She also has some surprising details that make her more interesting. Her little nails are painted (blue of course!) and her bracelets are loose on her arms!

Looking back at my old figures makes me appreciate how far the quality of figures have come! They were doing everything right, just a bit rough. Even the newer Bome figures in my collection have a higher quality. Bome were always fantastic for the price you paid for them though.

This particular 'devil girl' is a little cheeky! However her bum is cute, and her hair makes it a little less obvious. Nicely done Bome. Anime sexy without being too over the top.

I like how bad-ass she is with the huge spiked club!

She has quite sexy curves! I love all the animal print on her costume. All the anime elements make me reminiscent *sigh* Just reminding myself now, I'm making room for bigger and better things!

Gosh I wish my hair could be as cool as hers!

I hope you enjoyed my little flash back! It's always cool to go back to things that you enjoyed when you were younger!
I'll put up pic's of the rest of my Bome figures. Next up Halloween-Chan!

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