Sunday, 16 September 2012

Scarlet Witch Bishoujo Figure

Scarlet Witch was one of the first of Kotobukiya's bishoujo figures. It wasn't very high on my list to buy, until I had already collected the ones I most wanted. Earlier this year I'd pretty much collected what I wanted, so I decided why not! Here's a quick look at her

Scarlet Witch.

Scarlet Witch is one of the smaller bishoujo figures, before Kotobukia switch to the slightly larger scale.
She stands about the same height as Rogue, Dark Phoenix, and Emma Frost (which you can see here.)

Loads of shiny red!
I think the only reason I didn't go for this figure sooner was because I didn't really know a lot about her. But really she's a charming little figure.

She's certainly got a bit of a pose happening!
Looking back on the older figures, you can definitely see how far Kotobukiya have come. The figures you buy now are bigger, and there's just a bit more detail. The newer figures coming out are also closer to the original designs, I find Scarlet Witch is quite different to the design. I also noticed Scarlet Witches eyes are a bit lacking. Over all however, she is still really well made. Her paint job is nice, especially the red. We also have to keep into consideration she was released in 2009.

Nice legs!
I do think the 'pink' parts of her costume should be a little more pink. Just to make it a bit more obvious that there is material there. It's a bit more obvious in Shunya Yamashita's original artwork (that you can see at the bottom of my post.)

There is still plenty of detail in things like the material, and the cape.
She actually doesn't come with a base at all, she balances nicely on her cape. It does give her a nice floating feel.

If you see her from the right angle, you get bum shot! You don't see much from the back because of the cape.
Nice hair, not as detailed as newer figures but still nice.
"Stay back, I'm going to sneeze!"
She has a soft look, nice movement.
If you're collecting bishoujo figures, you can still pick this one up pretty easily. Most of the other figures that came out around the same time are difficult and very expensive to buy.

Scarlet Witch is a nice figure, even if she is on the smaller side. She looks cool with all my other Marvel bishoujo girls. The red of her costume certainly makes her stand out!

Original Artwork by Shunya Yamashita.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Geeky Girl!
    Really Appreciate YOUR Photos!! I Like The fact that You shoot them..'Outside'!..lends an 'Element' Of "Realism" to The IMAGE..
    And NOT The usual setting that You would see Kotobukiya Bishoujo Girl in!! Gives US (Or ME!) a Chance to Check-Out these..
    I have been "considering" chasing-down a Bishoujp Scarlet Witch for awhile NOW..I am curious what her measurements/ dimensions are please..trying to Get an idea what She might 'Look-Like' Next to my BLACK WIDOW & MS. MARVEL!!

    THANK YOU For You 'helpful' & humorous Posts!
