Sunday, 13 May 2012

Marvel X-23 Bishoujo Figure

X-23 arrived the beginning of last month, and I took the photos, I just never got the chance to upload them!
First thing to note is she doesn't come attached to the base..

Now I know from looking on the internet that loads of people had problems putting her onto the base. In some cases people said it was impossible. It's not impossible, but it's definitely tricky!
It's a VERY tight fit, and what I found is that because you press so hard to try and jam her on there, the whole base bends. The slot where you put her foot into isn't as deep as the base. So my solution was to put something under the base, under the slot, so I had something hard to press against! (I hope this makes sense.)

Very detailed!
If you display her on the base (she is ok to display without) you won't be disapointed. It is quite a large base, but has nice texture to it! I think it's nicer than Mystique's base (basic clear base.)

Large base.

Beautiful hair and deadly weapons.
One thing I LOVE about this figure is her hair. Poison Ivy has a lot of beautiful wavy hair, but this figure is perfect. It uses the clear plastic at the tips of her hair, and she has so many strands of hair!

Everywhere you look there's cool details!
Her pants are shiny, but the boots are mat. Again, pretty hair *o*
She even has nail polish if you look closely!
I think there were a few complaints out there about her face being too happy. And her eyes being too big. Honestly I don't care. She has a very charming face, and she looks her age (teen.)
And her face really is fun to photograph from every angle!

Nothing wrong with that cute face!
The only one thing that doesn't sit well with me is her boobs. I know this may seem a bit strange, but I think they're a bit low. You'd think with a little leather top on, they'd be held a littler tighter!

Low boobs? You decide.
She's so cool to photograph! In this photo I don't think she looks smiley at all!
Even her belt has a shiny blue behind the X!
Really I'm blown away with this figure. The bishoujo's keep getting better and better.
I hope they don't ruin the good run with Storm. She's the next X girl to be released. I'm just withholding judgement on that one. From what I've seen.. not so good.
If you were a little unsure about X-23, don't be, she's a cutie with tons of detail! Just remember my tips for placing her in the base.

Original Shunya Yamashita artwork.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there =) I found your blog following the link you had on X-23 at mightyape. Stoked for you that you got Psylocke and Rogue! Keep finding them for ridiculous prices on Amazon and eBay.. let me know if you plan to review them any time soon! Have preordered X-Force Psylocke for release later.. and just waiting on Kitty Pryde who should show up tomorrow.
